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Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Rumus Lingkaran

Lingkaran memiliki rumus sebagai berikut :
Keliling = 2pR
Luas = pR2
Dengan nilai p »3,14 atau 22/7
p diperoleh dengan membandingkan keliling dengan diameternya
p = K/d atau K = pd
Karena d = 2R maka K = 2pR
Perhatikan bahwa panjang busur AB adalah seperempat keliling lingkaran dan luas OAB adalah seperempat luas lingkaran. Nilai seperempat ini sebenarnya berasal dari 90o/360o, karena sudut AOB sama dengan 90o.

Jika sudut AOB kita ganti a
maka bentuk 90o/360o berubah menjadi 
Perhatikan gambar berikut :
Dari gambar tersebut dapat
disimpulkan bahwa

ayo banyak latihan soal tentang lingkaran ya!! :)

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Greyson's Tumblr

Platinum in Indonesia!
   Just got the word that “Hold On ‘Til The Night” went platinum in Indonesia! So amazing. Cannot wait to go over there for a proper tour with full-scale shows. I am really excited because I am redesigning my show from my last tour. It is going to be a little different. (; Another reason why I’m excited about redesigning the show is because it’s just not for Asia. This show will continue with me to the US; which I can’t wait for!
       My main focus for this new show is to really “interact” with the fans. I want the fans to be a part of the stage and the show. This is a difficult thing to do but I think it will work out very well! I can’t wait for the tour to start!!!  (cc: greysonchance on tumblr)

I just got out of the studio with my good friend Ariana Grande! It was so great to be writing music with her. It was our first time writing together and it went so well. I don’t want to give any details away about the song, but I can say it is a little “vintage” (; We had a blast working on the song and I can’t wait for you guys to hear it. We are going to surprise you!!! ( March 2012)

I arrived in London last Monday! I was super excited to be able to come back to England and spend some time enjoying the culture. I do have to admit, usually I hate sightseeing and doing touristy stuff; but this time I gave in.
 First we started by going to my favorite London restaurant named Nandos! (I also really like a restaurant named Wagamama in London.) They do really good spicy chicken with peri peri french fries. Our lunch was so good! After that, we decided to head out on the Tube (subway) and head over to Buckingham Palace. We arrived and it was beautiful! So much gold and amazing gates, and of course an amazing palace. After Buckingham Palace, we did my favorite thing of the day- Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Museum. I gotta say, they really showed some weird stuff in the London version…but it was still great! :)  (February 2012)

For those of you who don’t know, I’m hosting a contest with the help of Music & Arts. The contest is to see who can upload the best video + performance of themselves performing a song. So many people entered, and I love getting to see the videos. Everyone is so extremely talented and we have a lot of videos to go through! I love seeing the really highly “produced” videos, with different camera angles, cool camera effects; it was so rad to see all these kids get really creative and techy with it. It was also great to see the really laid back videos, shot with one camera and a guitar or piano, just singing; just like how i started. Even though I have my favorites, everyone is extremely talented and I cannot wait to see who is the winner! (january 2012)

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

fact about greyson

Greyson Michael Chance (born August 16, 1997) is an American pop rock singer and pianist whose April 2010 performance of Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" at a sixth-grade music festival became a hit on YouTube, gaining over 45 million views as of December 3, 2011. Two of his original compositions, "Stars" and "Broken Hearts", gained over 5 and 7 million views respectively on his YouTube channel. His début single, "Waiting Outside the Lines", was released in October 2010. Chance's début album, Hold On 'Til the Night, was released on August 2, 2011.

Greyson Chance was born on August 16, 1997 in Wichita Falls, Texas, and currently resides in Edmond, Oklahoma. He is the youngest child of Scott and Lisa Chance. Chance has an eighteen-year-old sister, Alexa, and a twenty-year-old brother, Tanner, both of whom also do music. Chance began playing the piano at the age of 8 and has had three years of piano lessons. He, however, had no formal vocal training.

Of his inspiration, Chance said, "I love artists who are able to communicate their emotions through music and sing from the heart. That’s what I’m hoping to do with my songs." He was emboldened by Lady Gaga after seeing her performance of Paparazzi at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. He stated, "I was awestruck by her performance. I love her sense of drama and theatricality. Plus, she’s an amazing singer and piano player." Chance was also inspired by the artists Christina Aguilera, Augustana, John Legend, Elton John, and John Lennon

Chance's "Paparazzi" cover video was posted to YouTube, on April 28, 2010, and for almost two weeks the video generated low views. At least two social websites, GossipBoy.ca and reddit.com, posted video embeds on May 10, 2010. Ellen DeGeneres first saw the video after Chance's brother, Tanner Chance, wrote to her show suggesting she watch it. The video had about 10,000 views when DeGeneres first saw it. While explaining her reasons for naming her new record label eleveneleven, she listed as one reason the fact that she first saw Chance's Paparazzi cover on May 11, 2010. Also, she states that 11 is Greyson's soccer jersey number. On the afternoon of May 11, Yahoo! Musicreported: "As of this writing, the video has got more than 36,000 views so far, and he's even been invited to perform on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
On May 12, 2010 Greyson Chance taped an interview and performance of "Paparazzi" for Ellen in Los Angeles.It was broadcast on May 13. During the interview, Chance received a phone call from Lady Gaga, who the boy says is his "true inspiration. This first appearance on Ellen was followed by a second appearance on the show, airing May 26, 2010, on which Chance performed his original song "Broken Hearts," received a $10,000 award for winning Ellen's Wonderful Web of Wonderment contest, a brand new Yamaha piano, and was announced as DeGeneres's first signed artist to her new recording label eleveneleven. Chance now has many fans on online social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. He is the 28th most subscribed musician of all time on YouTube, with a 286,000 subscriber base, as of January 3, 2011. Greyson Chance also appeared at We Day (also known as Me to We Day 2010) in downtown Toronto at the Air Canada Centre, where he performed "Fire" by Augustana.

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